
Sunday, July 3, 2011

They Say We Warriors

Start of the double lockout! What can people turn to now without the heart-warming vocals of sportscasters ripping offseason transactions on SportsCenter and the vivid images of entire cities crumbling at the sight of a free agent's departing. Those moments were not the best moments in previous years, but they were the most memorable and what makes sports fans lament for the potentially-lost season. Will we turn to watching tennis? Soccer? Golf? Ping-pong?! The tangy flavor of buffalo wings and the aroma of a barbecue does not properly complement watching someone hit a small ball into a hole as it does watching grown men hit, wrestle, and bang against each other.  Or can we unite our forces and in our temporary boredom -- begin a club which voices are distaste towards the people who caused this madness upon us (cough, cough...David Stern, Roger Goodell). Or are the players to blame? Well, I am in no position to point fingers in a situation like this as I can only hope that BOTH of these lockouts can be resolved (I mean, come on, what are millions of grown men going to do in their Saturday afternoons without the pleasing image of football or basketball on the screen to entertain them). And don't even get me started on the possibility of no Fantasy Sports! What are sports fanatics supposed to turn to then -- FARMVILLE?!?? Surely some braniac (God bless him/her) will invent a suitable way to counteract and fill this gaping hole but as the phrase goes -- IF IT AIN'T (mind the grammer) BROKEN DON'T FIX IT -- we (sports fans) are not looking for an alternative to this problem. We wan't a solution.

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